Security Intelligence: Practical Social Engineering & Open-Source Intelligence for Security Teams


NOTE: This training is a 2-day (8 hours/day) course from September 5 to 6.

Social engineering attacks remain at the top of the threat landscape and data breach reports. But although most reports tend to simplify many breaches as the result of a successful phishing attack, the reality we get from current threat research is evidently more complex. Today, the pathway that leads to that successful phishing email is often the result of a larger attack kill chain based on research and good open-source intelligence that helped attackers identify organizational vulnerabilities. But it doesn’t stop there. Weaponized psychology is still a strong component of those attacks.

In this threat landscape, it is paramount for security professionals and penetration testers/red teamers to better understand how social engineering works, and how to proactively identify and disrupt attack verticals.

The training provides participants with the necessary knowledge on open-source intelligence and social engineering, and helps security teams build better protective measures (proactive & reactive). It also helps penetration testers improve their attack scenarios, their recommendations and provide better and more realistic insights to their clients. The training includes a special section on artificial intelligence and the future of social engineering attacks.

Attendees will leave this class having acquired the psychological knowledge along with the technical capability to simulate social engineering attacks and improve their prevention.


No prior knowledge is required in the areas of social engineering and open-source intelligence. The training will advance progressively to more specialized areas, benefitting both beginner and intermediate level participants.

There will be class exercises. To participate, students will need a laptop with an updated operating system and browser.

Students will also need to connect to the provided WiFi.

Most importantly, students must bring along their curious mind! Be ready to learn some very interesting things about humans, and about OSINT!

Presented By


Social Engineering Security – Trainer & Consultant