[Last Minute] Capture The Flag 2021

Welcome to the Last Minute CTF, a friendly, beginner-oriented, introduction to Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions. As you may be able to tell from the name, we’re doing this all very last minute to try and provide a fun game via a unique learning experience. As this is being run at Blue Team Con, all of the puzzles and challenges will be related as best we can to defensive cybersecurity topics.

Our goal is to create somewhat friendly introduction to CTF-style challenges and being very accessible to users of all skill levels. The understanding is that most, if not all, of the challenges should be easy to people who have participated in CTFs in the past (mostly due to the very last-minute nature). Remember, we want you to learn, we just might not make everything too easy…

However, a big difference that we can impart on this competition compared to other competitions is that the Last Minute CTF wants to see you document your work and provide write-ups for each of the challenges. This is totally not because we’re doing this at the last minute and don’t want to do it ourselves… However, half of the available points will come directly from these write-ups. While documentation is not something for everyone, it is a highly desirable skill to have and use in any day-to-day operation and who knows, we may even feature your write-up and tell everyone how awesome you did the thing.

Whether you have never played a CTF before, or have been completing challenges for years, we want you to play.

Help and Assistance: Join Blue Team Con Discord and reach out through the CTF channel

More information, as well as competition updates, will be provided directly via the CTF homepage. And no, this is not a flag.

CTF Hours: Friday from 6:00pm CDT until Sunday at 12:00pm CDT

CTF winners will be announced at the closing ceremonies