Formulating An Intelligence-Driven Threat Hunting Methodology


Consultants and marketing departments refer to “threat hunting” as a desired position for network defenders. By adopting this mindset, defenders can take an active role pursuing intrusions. Yet precise methodologies for threat hunting are hard to come by, making the concept something amorphous. In this discussion, we will explore a methodology to standardize the threat hunting process, using an intelligence-driven, adversary-aware approach to drive investigation. This discussion will reveal a series of concrete steps or operational techniques that defenders can leverage to produce a measurable, repeatable, sustainable hunting process. To illustrate the concept, we will also look at several recent examples of malicious activity where an intelligence-driven hunting process allows defenders to defeat fundamental aspects of adversary tradecraft. Audiences will emerge with a roadmap for building a robust threat hunting program to improve the defensive posture of their organizations.

Presented By

Threat Intelligence & Detections Team Lead, Gigamon