Going Atomic: The Strengths and Weaknesses of a Technique-centric Purple Teaming Approach


Atomic purple teaming, i.e. testing individual permutations of offensive techniques outside of a scenario-based exercise, offers an approach that can maximise kill chain coverage and provides a means to benchmark a SOC’s detective capability.

Initially, the methodology for atomic testing will be presented, alongside example results from a typical engagement. We’ll evaluate the significant data set that such testing can produce – e.g. which test cases produce telemetry, which produce alerts, which were prevented – and consider its application in informing SOC strategy, demonstrating Return on Investment, and providing insight into general security posture.

This empirical, data-driven approach is invaluable in developing a bottom-up view of our defenses, i.e. understanding how our detection stack fares when faced with the tactics, techniques and procedures of legitimate actors, but it is not a one-stop shop for adversary emulation. As such, this talk will consider the limitations of such an approach, and how other supplementary collaborative testing can offer a more complete view of detective capability.

Presented By

Adversary Emulation Manager, TP ICAP