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Blue Team Con 2024 – Call for Training

We’re excited that you’re interested in delivering a class at our conference this year.

Individual trainings will be held on September 6th. If an abundance of high-quality single day trainings or sufficient two day trainings are submitted, training will be expanded to include September 5th.

Read all the information on this page before submitting the form at the bottom of this page.

All submissions must be received by 11:59PM CDT on March 17, 2024.

CFT Review Process

The CFT review process will be performed blind. Whilst we collect biographical information about the trainers this will not be used in any way during the selection process; we will be selecting trainings based on the value they would bring to our attendees and the training facilities available in our 2024 venue.

We are specifically looking for trainings this year that can be delivered either in a single 8-hour day, or 16 hours across two days.

CFT Submission Agreements

Please be aware that by submitting a CFT and being accepted, you agree to the following:

  1. The submitter(s) will review and adhere to the Code of Conduct. Trainers will adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times whilst delivering the training.
  2. Trainers will show up (in-person) on time and give your training on your assigned training date(s) (September 5th and/or 6th 2024). (Except in the event of understandable, unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Any content submitted is wholly owned by the submitting party and Blue Team Con asserts no ownership of the content.
  4. If selected, trainers will submit a headshot photograph (or acceptable avatar) that can be posted on the Blue Team Con website and in the printed program.
  5. Students may potentially take pictures of you and your slides, unless expressly stated otherwise at the start of the presentation.
  6. If selected, trainers will join the official Blue Team Con Discord in order to maintain awareness of all official notifications.
  7. The trainers will be responsible for a venue fee, but may set the price for their training. Blue Team Con will be charging students for attending training classes, and any proceeds above the venue fee will be paid to the trainer(s). Such financial arrangements will be discussed only when a training has been accepted as a candidate for delivery at the conference.
  8. You will respond by the specified deadline to the acceptance email with all asks of accepted trainers (e.g., ticket picked up, Discord joined, training agreement signed, headshot (or avatar) sent, etc.) You are not confirmed as a trainer until these tasks are complete.
  9. You will bring your own presenting hardware (e.g., laptop) to present your talk. Students will be expected to bring their own laptop but any specialist hardware will need to be provided by the trainer with the costs factored in to the class fee. Blue Team Con will provide projectors, screens, and an HDMI connection. You will identify any additional hardware requirements in the space provided in your submission.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Trainer Benefits

Any accepted trainers who attend and train at Blue Team Con receive:

  • A free ticket to the entire conference.
  • A group dinner invite if present on the evening of September 6th.
  • Revenue from training tickets above the venue fee (see Agreement Point 7 above).

Submit Your Proposal

The Blue Team Con 2024 Call for Training has officially ended. Notifications will go out in the next several weeks. Good luck to all that submitted!