Becoming the Threat, The Making of A World Class Security Team


Are you cleverer than a Malware author? Do you feel like you are just waiting on someone or groups of someone’s to make their next move and hoping that your defenses can manage? Of course, they don’t always do they? And that is because, waiting for the threat to happen, means you are forever behind the power curve. I have created malware that can consistently morph to blow past defenses, but in this case, it is tamed, it doesn’t actually cause harm, and stays within your control. Why would I do that? To test the defenses, I wanted to become the malware author so the threat I am working to beat is me! And I want to teach you to do the same. I will walk you through simulated ransomware with various techniques that can be launched in a test environment to test your defenses. Then I am going to show you where common security products fail, where humans fail, and where you can iterate to teach yourself to be different.

Presented By

Director of Security Research and Development, Pluralsight