Defending Beyond Defense


Assumptions burn defenders every day. Perhaps the most pernicious one is that systems and their controls will always work as designed. Best practices in security may be good guidelines, but unfortunately also suffer from these same blind spots. For example, best practice recommends the use of LAPS for local administrator account passwords of domain-joined computers, yet misconfiguration of active directory can turn it from a protective control into a vulnerability. But what if there was a way to challenge these assumptions up front? The best way to dismantle these types of assumptions is to experience how deeply flawed they are. There is no better way to gain first hand experience into this perspective than immersion in the offensive security space. In this talk we’ll explore how to immerse yourself in the offensive security world to obtain this knowledge without needing to change careers or obtain additional certifications. By being more informed about offensive security, defenders are better able to recognize relevant intel, understand existing threats, and more readily discover attacker behavior. Join me as I discuss how there’s more to defending than just defense, and how you can find and engage with the amazing resources that are out there waiting to be explored.

Presented By

Principal Technology Architect, Security,
University at Buffalo