How to Deal With Human Malware in the Workplace


Toxic maladaptive personalities (“human malware”) both in our field and among the professionals we serve contribute to employee turnover in our field because jobs are plentiful and good people feel they don’t need to put up with bad behavior. That, and many of us were never trained how to remediate human malware; it isn’t like we can just reimage their operating systems to clean up the mess, and as much as we might like, “deleting” them is out of the question (unless we can fire them as the boss).

This talk will discuss some of the most toxic workplace behaviors and provide practical steps to combat these maladaptive workplace behaviors. It will discuss the power dynamics aspect of handling the maladaptive behavior among subordinates, peers, and supervisors. And, if the human malware is too pervasive to be managed, when you go apply for that better job with normal people, you will be able to succinctly describe the behaviors that led you to leave.

Presented By

Experienced Cybersecurity SME