Breaking the Mold: The Same Approach to Breaking into Information Security, but {d!f3r3nt}


Are you looking to break into information security, but are the requirements too high or don’t match you? The demand for security professionals is growing, but many job seekers struggle to meet the high requirements set by employers. I will be sharing with you my experience trying to get into my current role, my mistakes, and the challenges I faced. We will discuss the problem faced by job seekers in the information security field, including the high requirements for education and certifications while presenting a unique/personal approach to job hunting that focuses on soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. Along with soft skills, I will show you exercises and study materials, such as websites, blogs, and videos that I used to develop my technical skills. Last but not least important, we will talk about networking “how to start” and getting YOU equipped with strategies for building professional connections in the current job market.

Presented By

Associate InfoSec Analyst,
Green Thumb Industries