CTF: Thieves in the Temple

Sponsored by Trend Micro

The Trend Micro “Thieves in the Temple” Capture The Flag (CTF) event is tailored for those new to hacking challenges providing participants with an engaging experience even for those starting with a fundamental skill set; If this is your first foray into hacking games, this event is the perfect starting point. Novice CTF players will be able to dive right in and find success and for those with a bit more experience-yet not quite at expert level- the “hard mode” difficulty provides additional complexity to push the limits of skill.


“Thieves in the Temple” Participants will navigate the CTF challenges using common hacking tools to penetrate an environment, escalate privileges and exfiltrate data to achieve the objective. Participants will get a unique “purple team” experience by getting hands on with cybersecurity incident response by exploring response actions and detections to uncover forensic artifacts for the threats they just executed to complete the CTF challenges.