Excel-lence in Cybersecurity: Unveiling The Hidden Powers of Spreadsheets


In an era where cybersecurity threats loom large, organisations are constantly seeking effective and cost-efficient strategies to fortify their defences. Amidst the abundance of sophisticated tools and technologies available, spreadsheets emerge as a surprisingly versatile and accessible resource for supporting information security efforts.

Prepare to embark on an journey into the world of cybersecurity, where the unassuming Excel spreadsheet emerges as a silent hero, wielding unparalleled prowess in fortifying digital defences. In this talk, we’ll unravel the mystique surrounding spreadsheets and unveil their potential to revolutionise information security management.

From the depths of data organisation to the heights of vulnerability tracking, we’ll showcase how spreadsheets morph from humble grids into dynamic fortresses of security resilience. With the agility of a cyber ninja, we’ll demonstrate how these seemingly simple tools can be customised to thwart threats and comply with the most rigorous standards, while keeping costs lean and processes nimble.

For those eager to take their cybersecurity game to the next level, we’ll unveil the secret weapon: SharePoint. Picture spreadsheets on steroids, with next level collaborative power. By seamlessly integrating SharePoint into your cybersecurity arsenal, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of capabilities for team collaboration, document management, and workflow automation. With SharePoint as your trusty sidekick, you’ll transcend the limitations of standalone spreadsheets, fostering real-time collaboration and knowledge sharing among your cyber cohorts. Together, Excel and SharePoint form an unstoppable duo, propelling your cybersecurity initiatives to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness.

Presented By


Head of Information Security, TT Electronics